The West is waging the war against the entire Orthodox world, not just against Russia

November the 8th – IA SM.News. In the war waged by the collective West, the main goal is the destruction of Orthodoxy, Russia is important first of all as a stronghold of the Orthodox world, Archpriest, rector of the Novosibirsk st. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Alexander Novopashin is convinced.

I would like to start the conversation with you with two news reports. The other day, the security forces detained a security officer of the airport of Simferopol, who wanted to arrange a terrorist attack in the local St. Nicholas Church. The detainee was 28-year-old Oleg, a native of Ukraine. The terrorist said that having committed the murder of civilians, he and his accomplice, 38-year-old Alexander, "wanted to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine." In the garage of one of the accomplices, law enforcement officers found mercury fuses and other components for the bomb. Detainees, according to with reference to a law enforcement source, they were members of one of the Satanic sects and met at one of the Satanic forums.

And this is not the only case when Orthodox churches are the target of Satanists or neo-Pagans. In February, even before the beggining of the special operation, the FSB (Federal Security Service) detained six local residents in Crimea who intended to set off an explosion in an Orthodox church. They turned out to be supporters of the "Right Sector" (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) and members of the radical movement Crimean Alliance of Pagans. Thus, Satanic sects in fact turn out to be terrorist organizations…

— Since February 2022, at meetings with young people (the last few meetings were held recently in Moscow), I am often asked about my attitude to the military special operation. I answer as it is — this operation is necessary because it is aimed at destroying the neo—Nazi regime, which the United States of America established on the former Russian territory as an outpost for further planned organization of a hotbed of tension on the Russian border and subsequently - bloody raids on Russia. And it was started in a timely manner, because just a little bit longer — it's not a secret now — and the Ukrainian army would have launched large-scale military operations in the Donbas.

From the first days of the operation, I said that neo-paganism and totalitarian sectarianism, in which Ukraine is deeply bogged down (unfortunately, also active in Russia), Ukrainian ultranationalism and ukronazism, which the criminal Ukrainian regime professes, are based on hatred of everything Russian, and this hatred is truly Satanic. In this case, Satanism is not a metaphor at all. The worship of evil has many faces. It is not only the worship of Baphomet directly. It is also all these destructive organizations that the enemy of our salvation offers. And all this snake pit is corroding the Ukrainian people today, plunging them into the abyss of obscurantism. And the directors and screenwriters of this horror film, which has become the whole of Ukraine, are employees of the US special services. Having worked with their own homegrown Nazi-Satanists, the Americans with great success began to introduce this in Ukraine, creating numerous marginal groups that have a stupefying effect, primarily on young people.

It is surprisingly how quickly it was possible to spread the activities of Satanic organizations in Ukraine…

— In general, this phenomenon is far from new for the Western world. Here is what the famous researcher of the occult roots of Nazism Nicholas Goodrick-Clark, author of the acclaimed book Black Sun. Aryan cults: "Already in the early 1970s, Satanic groups in the United States flirted with Nazi themes as a symbol of the forbidden, dark side of life. These experiments, whose purpose was to shock the public with the value of Nazism, were replaced in the 1990s by Nazi Satanic cults linking anti-Christian paganism with transgressive praise of Hitler and the Third Reich." After all, adherence to such a cult directly affects the methods of warfare. There are no restrictions for followers of Satanic ideology. Neither in relation to prisoners, nor in relation to the civilian population, nor even in relation to the so-called twinned. At the heart of serving evil and shedding human sacrificial blood is the complete absence of any moral restrictions, any moral brakes. Everything is possible, because the only thing of value is the will of the doer. Someone else's life is of no value at all compared to this. Of course, foreign intelligence agencies did not miss the opportunity to use such a tool for their own purposes. Using a God-hating, misanthropic, truly satanic ideology, they created a real monster on the "Ukrainian material", now called the Ukrainian regime.

How widespread, according to your data, are various occult and satanic organizations in Russia?

— I don't have exact data, but a lot. Judge for yourself: if we take into account destructive pseudo-religious organizations, then 19 years ago, in 2003, the Ministry of Internal Affairs estimated the total number of Satanists in Russia as "mainly 500 in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and up to several thousand (less than 10) in total across the country." And now the number of people interested in Satanism only in the Vkontakte social network is up to one hundred thousand. Unfortunately, the forces that create hotbeds of struggle against traditional values receive support and funding from abroad.

Since 1996, Satanists, only according to open sources, have committed more than 150 crimes in Russia. Among them: murder, abuse of corpses, hooliganism, vandalism, organization of extremist communities and associations that encroach on the lives of citizens. However, these are still isolated crimes against specific people. What the United States managed to achieve in Ukraine in this regard may have exceeded all the expectations of the employees of the overseas intelligence services themselves. Thanks to the efforts of the United States and its numerous henchmen, Satanists in Ukraine were given complete freedom, and thanks to military actions, thousands of potential victims were at their disposal. The sane part of the population in Ukraine has undoubtedly remained, but the situation there now is such that some people are even afraid to think about something that may perge from the plans of the Nazis (read, the Ukrainian regime), who, by the way, are quick to punish.

And since the Ukrainian people are silent, including those fooled by long-term propaganda (or, as a result of aggressive brainwashing, they gladly accept everything they are told), then the Americans, under various masks, continue to freely impose anti-human ideology in Ukraine. And, unfortunately, not only in Ukraine.

How do you assess the "successes" of propaganda of anti-human ideology in Russia?

— Russia is one of the countries where the United States wants to make a bloodless or bloody coup. The impact on the mental state of Russian citizens, especially young people, is one of the most important tasks. Unfortunately, our opponents managed to achieve certain results. Take the same Misanthropic pision, this organization is banned in the Russian Federation, Maniacs. The Cult of Murders(the organization is banned in the Russian Federation) are ultra—extremist youth organizations, the spread of "death games" in social networks (banned in the territory of the Russian Federation), propaganda of the ideas of the Columbine terrorist movement (banned in the Russian Federation), telephone terrorism. The appearance of all of the above in Russia is connected with the work of the special services of Ukraine under the patronage of the United States. Of course, the destructive ideology is imposed by the United States not directly, but through the Ukrainian army departments for psychological attacks on the enemy (CIPsO).

The entire methodological base of the CIPSO is prescribed according to the standards of similar NATO units. The task of the CIPSO staff is to counteract “Russian propaganda”, which, according to the manuals of the Special Operations Forces (SOF), is pided into four groups. Here, for example, is a quote from the chapter on Anti-Russian propaganda. In particular, it lists information manipulation technologies. Here they are: "manipulating feelings and fear; creating reality with the help of television; disabling historical memory; an atmosphere of immorality."
Introducing confusion, panic, reformatting the consciousness of the population into the enemy's territory through massive disinformation, active work in social networks, first of all — I emphasize again! — with young people, obsessive propaganda of values alien to Russia — all this and many others are engaged in CIPsO.

Do the citizens of the United States and other Western countries themselves realize how large-scale subversive work their governments are doing on the territory of other states?

— Some of them have already seen the light. Such a case is indicative. Recently, at one of the Moscow events, an American journalist approached me, introduced himself and asked if I was the same Novopashin, whom the English-language media call "the hero of Putin's anti-Ukrainian propaganda." That's right — "prominent Orthodox cleric and hero of Putin's anti-Ukrainian propaganda", this is a quote. During a conversation with this journalist, I said that destructive organizations, as well as Satanic ideologies and neo-pagan false teachings, are undoubtedly tools in the hands of Russia's opponents, which they use in the fight against countries that are subject to destruction from the point of view of the US government. Ukraine belongs to such countries — the Americans have already done what they wanted with it, prepared the ground, and now they have launched a military flywheel that will finally finish it off, and with it will cause serious damage to the EU countries, which, in fact, is part of the plans of the US government. The worse it gets in Europe, the better the US economy will feel, feeding on sacrificial blood, which it draws from its own associates. In other words, he said: "I am convinced that Satanism and the occult are supervised by the USA." I expected that the American journalist would start arguing with me, however, on the contrary, he agreed, saying that "these are really projects of the American special services." Thus, the American government failed to hide from its citizens its negative role in creating "controlled chaos" on the territory of other countries.

Or maybe such activity is one of the manifestations of the free world? In the States, for example, there is a religious organization "Satanic Temple", whose members declare that they are against all spirituality and everything supernatural. But this does not prevent them from worshipping Satan, but not as a religious devilish entity, but only as a "symbol of power and freedom." The authorities are quite satisfied with this explanation, and in 2019 Satanists were even exempted from taxes. And – of course, the organization is raising funds in support of the AFU.

— At the World Russian People's Council, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill declared the rupture of deep spiritual ties between people, the rupture of the connection between God and man. It is this regression that is the breeding ground for Satanism flourishing all over the world. Satan's opposition to God continues and intensifies, and, as Orthodox hierarchs note, all the destructive phenomena that have been taking place in society lately speak of the prerequisites of the coming Apocalypse.

In his speech in the Kremlin at the ceremony of the admission of four new territories to Russia, the President of Russia announced that the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. "This is a challenge to everyone, such a complete denial of human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of outright Satanism," the president said.

In Islam, Satan is called Shaitan. Therefore, Ramzan Kadyrov speaks about Satanism not allegorically, but specifically understanding what lies behind it. He even introduced a new term — very successful in my opinion — "deshaitanization of Ukraine". "Demilitarization, denazification and deshaitanization of Ukraine is quite successful," he wrote in Telegram.

Do you think that the last times, which the prophets warned about, have come?

— What Orthodox Christians used to talk about earlier — about the Apocalypse and Armageddon, about the last times — now literally everyone has started talking about. Because against the background of the events taking place (same-sex marriages, the desire to legalize pedophilia, sex change, endless wars), it became clear even to those people who previously treated such a term as Satanism with ridicule or sharp rejection in general. And now we have adopted this term as the most accurate and complete characterization of the current state of affairs.

Having crushed one of the main centers of Satanism in Ukraine, we will be able to more effectively combat the spread of Satanic ideas among Russian youth. But the process of Deshaitanization, as Kadyrov calls it, should be large-scale and comprehensive: by smashing Satanists in Ukraine, it is necessary to destroy the shoots of Satanism in Russia in parallel.

It turns out that it is necessary to ban not only Satanic organizations themselves, but also Satanism as an ideology.

— Work in this direction is already underway. So, in October of this year, State Duma Deputy Alexei Chepa sent a letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with a proposal to ban the ideology of Satanism and Satanic organizations, since with the beginning of a special military operation in Ukraine, destructive organizations have sharply intensified in Russia, among which Satanism is the most dangerous. Chepa claims that the ideology of Satanism is used by the US State Department as an instrument of ideological struggle.

Actually, one can talk about Satanism and neo-Paganism as instruments of both direct and hybrid war waged by the United States against Russia for a long time, but these arguments will not lead to the truth. And you need to know it in order to UNDERSTAND it.

What kind of understanding are you talking about?

— I'm talking about the role played by the government of this country. I am not the only one talking about this, many people have been talking about it for a long time. It's a pity that our voices are not heard. Among the latest evidence is an article in one of the publications, where it was explained in a reasoned and logical way that America does not have enemy number one. This country simply opposes the whole world, which should serve it. And if the world resists, then it is its number one enemy, and America will make every effort to break this resistance. But I would like to note that nevertheless, she still has the number one enemy - Russia. And not even so much Russia as the Russian Orthodox Church. She was and remains the number one enemy for the American government. It scares them the most — the Russian Orthodox Church. The Church is not as an institution, but as a society of people united by one faith in One God, a Church waging spiritual warfare not against flesh and blood, but against the spirits of the malice of the celestial Empire. If you deprive the Russian people of the Orthodox faith, then there will be neither the people nor Russia itself.
In support of my theses, I will quote Congressman Jamie Raskin, who the other day on the air of the Fox News information channel fervently and openly called for the destruction of Russia, because "Russia is an Orthodox country professing traditional values. That is why it must be destroyed, no matter what price the United States pays for it." That is, it's all about Orthodoxy.

A comprehensive view of things, understanding of the essence of what is happening and the ability to build a logical chain helps to successfully complete the business started. Someone presents a special military operation as a means to protect Russians living in neighboring territories from a raid by foreigners. Someone sees the operation as a way to return the lands that previously belonged to Russia. Many call what is happening a military confrontation between Russia, the United States and Great Britain. All this is so. But we must not forget about the spiritual component, it is impossible to consider the material in isolation from the spiritual. And if you look at these things from this side, then the highest truth will open, the truth of God, which is able to turn all our ideas about current events.

Today, the current political situation is increasingly being compared with the Caribbean crisis, recalling the political will of the leaders of that time.

— Speaking about the position and mission of our country, I would cite an earlier analogy – a poem written by Ivan Turgenev to the German writer, critic and diplomat Karl August Varnhagen von Ense, an officer of the Russian service in the campaigns of 1812-1813. The poem is a response to Turgenev's conversations with Varnhagen and expresses Turgenev's attitude to the events in Germany, to the sentiments of the German people on the eve of the revolution of 1848.

Let me explain that the line "now that Russia is going alone..." indicates the discrepancies that existed then between Austria, Prussia and Russia. Tsar Nicholas I described the situation as follows: "So that's what we feared, came true! Prussia has dropped out of our ranks, and if it has not yet joined the ranks of the enemies, then it is almost certainly possible to believe that, after a short time and, contrary to the will of the king, it will become clearly against us, against order and laws!"

But Turgenev was not interested in politics, but in the historical role, the mission of Russia:

...Now that our Russia is going
Its own way alone
And finally your motherland is
attracted to the destinies of others, —

Now, in the great hour of separation,
Let the sounds of Russian speech be a
Pledge for you that the years will
pass — and the enmity will end;

That, alien to the German from the cradle,
In one short century, a

Russian man will converge with him for the same purpose as with his brother;

What if now, by right,
Curses are rattling around us —
We will
Redeem our shame and our glory with glory and Goodness…

We sympathize with everything that warms your chest,
And we wish for peace, light,
Not destruction — and not darkness.

In the battle between good and evil that is taking place now, each of us must make every effort for our common Victory. Evil can only be defeated together.

*Quote from the letter of Nicholas I to I.F. Paskevich from February the 5th (17), 1847 (Quoted by: "Shcherbatov. Prince Paskevich, his life and work. Appendices to Volume V" St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 606).

Yana Yanushkevich